Other articles
PC-3000. Best PC configuration for ACE Lab products (article will be regular update in future) OPEN!
How to use PC-3000 Portable III incorrectly and lose your warranty OPEN!
Easy Way to Find Donor Parts for Your Patient Drives OPEN!
PC-3000 Shared Database
Specific tools for Flash Data Recovery OPEN!
Specific tools for HDD data recovery OPEN!
Essential tools for your data recovery lab OPEN!
Consumables for your data recovery lab OPEN!
PC-3000. The “Active utility” option
PC-3000 for HDD. PC-3000 Express Rev 2.0 Main Features OPEN!
PC-3000 on Macbook. A “small” guide how to make you own Apple-based portable workstation OPEN!
Running PC-3000 Portable at Linux host via VirtualBox
PC-3000. Database. Problem with the folders
PC-3000. Short notice about PC-3000 scripting
PC-3000 and Digital Forensics
Interesting facts about actual maximum reading speed of HDDs
How to read ROM via programmer device
PC-3000. How to Access Mapped Network Drives from the PC-3000 with the elevated privilegies
PUIS drives
PC-3000. SSD manufacturers, SSD controllers, and a couple of words about the future trends OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash / PC-3000 for HDD. Canon Video recovery
PC-3000 HDD. How to work with USB drives using PC-3000.
PC-3000 HDD. DE Viewer: Purpose and working
Recover Data in 3 Clicks with the New PC-3000 Simple Mode
Step-by-step guide how to unlock a password on the HDD via Simple Mode interface of PC-3000
A look back on RAID data recovery training sessions in the new ACE Lab data recovery training class OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash
PC-3000 Flash. Noname (CBM2099) USB Recovery. Importance of Translator assembling. OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. The Importance of having a powerful PC
PC-3000 Flash. How to unsolder TSOP-48 \ TSOP-56 memory chips Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. How to unsolder BGA/LGA-52 memory chips Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. How to determine a controller chip
PC-3000 Flash. How to detect the correct order of memory chips
PC-3000 Flash. New Low Voltage NAND Chips and How to Read Them
PC-3000 Flash. How to use dump of memory chip from other readers
PC-3000 Flash. Methods of Data Correction. ECC (p1)
PC-3000 Flash. Methods of Data Correction. Readout (p2) Video!
PC-3000 Flash. Methods of data correction. Voltage control (p3)
PC-3000 Flash. Intelligent ReRead Mode Video!
PC-3000 Flash. Reread Map Generator Tool. How to Save Time During the ECC Correction and the Readout Process.
PC-3000 Flash. Hight temperature and problem chips – how to improve reading
PC-3000 Flash. How to work with the problem memory chips
PC-3000 Flash. The Main Data Correction Methods to Recover Data from NAND Flash Devices with the Maximum Success Rate
PC-3000 Flash. How to search and apply XOR from the list of available patterns
PC-3000 Flash. How to detect and eliminate addings (Inserts, Bad Columns) in dump Video!
PC-3000 Flash. How to change the page size
Pc-3000 Flash. How to eliminate Page Transformation Video!
PC-3000 Flash. Image building with Block Number
PC-3000 Flash. Block rotation in Phison PS2251-03
PC-3000 Flash. Compact Flash recovery. SM2234H Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. Compact Flash recovery. SM2236G
PC-3000 Flash Automatic BadBytes Cutting Feature
PС-3000 Flash. AU6989 and AU6998: XORed inserts
PC-3000 Flash. AU6989 and AU6998: how to build a good folder structure?
PC-3000 Flash. The Translator Algorithm for SanDisk 4K (8sec) Flash Drives
PC-3000 Flash. Virtual Image Based on the File System
PC-3000 Flash. Block Number Type 1. The Extended Mode
PC-3000 Flash. How to Recover Data from NAND Flash Drives with the Newest AU89102DF Controller OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. 7 Steps to Recover Data from Kingston DataTravel G4 64GB with the CBM2199a Controller OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. 6 Steps to Recover Data from Devices Based on the FC1178/FC1179 Controllers
PC-3000 Flash. The Alternative Way of Image Assembling for FAT32-based cases OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. The Tesla Car Case OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. Automatical adding unsupported chip ID into the software OPEN!
Articles about monoliths
PC-3000 Flash. Sandisk 200 GB mSD recovery OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. How to Recover Data from the NAND Flash Drives with the COB (Chip on Board) Memory Chips OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. Terminology and numbering of signals
PC-3000 Flash. Card Adapter and How to Work with It OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. How to spot a fake monolith and memory chips OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. Circuit Board. Power supply features
PC-3000 Flash. Circuit Board adapter and TSOP-48 memory chips
PC-3000 Flash. Grinding MicroSD with the help of Fibreglass Pen Brush Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. How to recover data from a monolith (microSD card) Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 Flash. Monolith pinout determination guide. Variant 1
PC-3000 Flash. Monolith pinout determination guide. Variant 2
PC-3000 Flash Spider Board Adapter. How to use it? Video! OPEN!
How to use Card Adapter functions in Spider Board?
PC-3000 Flash Spider Board Adapter. Automatic Pin Sequence Detection for the Monolith Bus Line OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD (UDMA-E, Portable, Express)
PC-3000 for HDD. List of supported hard drives OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. How to unlock SED on WD SMR drives without a special board
PC-3000 HDD. A Drive in Disguise
PC-3000 for HDD. How to convert USB drive to IDE interface
PC-3000 HDD. Nontypical HDD recovery. iPod Video OPEN!
PC-3000 HDD. Nontypical HDD recovery. Playstation 3 Slim OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. Basic HDD diagnostics procedure OPEN!
Seagate F3
PC-3000 for HDD. Work with AFH in Seagate F3 Utility
PC-3000 HDD. How to Block Writing in Service Area in Seagate F3
PC-3000 for HDD. Password Reset Procedure on Self-Encrypted Seagate F3 Drives
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to Solve the Device Fault State (DWF) Issue Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 HDD. Seagate F3. How to Write System Files to Non-System Heads
PC-3000 HDD. Seagate F3. How to Change the Model Name and S/N
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to Recover Data from “Fake” Maxtor Drives. Spindle Isolation to Solve the LED CC Issue Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to determine the Heads Preamp version
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to get a full data access on Rosewood family and why you have to make backup
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. Manual Translator recovery procedure. Track Defects.
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to fix SIM Error 1009 RW Error 00000080 on Sentosa family
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to Stop Worrying and Set Max LBA
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to fix Init SMART Fail error
PC-3000 HDD. Seagate F3. How to fix translator issue caused by useless defects in Non-Resident G-list
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3 architecture drives specific diagnostics
PC-3000. Where and how to short Seagate F3 drives
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. Step-by-step examination checklist
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. SMP flags issue Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. Unlocking Self-Encrypting Drive
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3 utility. Translator recovering on Seagate F3 drives Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. Practical cases. How to get the Service Area access if one of non-system heads is damaged
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. 7 known situations when we can’t recover translator automatically
PC-3000 for HDD. How to solve “No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags” error Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3 utility. Solution of service area problem by loader Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3 utility. How to check what sys file is damaged by Ctrl+X terminal command?
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. “MCMTFileHandler: EXCEPTION: Failed MCMT read request” error and how to fix it
PC-3000 for HDD. How to hide BAD sectors at Seagate F3 drives (defectoscopy, refurbishing)
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3 arch. Manually Translator recovery procedure
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3 arch. Unlocking the Rosewood drives
PC-3000 for HDD. The password removing procedure for Seagate F3 drives
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. The easier way to fix Init SMART Fail error
PC-3000 for HDD. SSHD drives. What it is and how does it work
PC-3000 for HDD. SSHD drives. How to Fix a Rosewood SSHD with a Damaged NAND Chip OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to deal with SenseCode = 87270000 error.
Seagate ST10 architecture (U5, Barracuda XX)
PC-3000 for HDD. How to fix BSY problem (HDD freezing) at old Seagate drives
PC-3000 for HDD. The password removing procedure for old Seagate drives
Western Digital
Western Digital SMR. Formatted Drive Solution.
PC-3000 HDD. How to fix the Second Level Translator (T2) in the PC-3000 7.2 Software Version
PC-3000 for HDD. How to unlock SED on WD SMR drives without a special board
Western Digital: Time-Limited Error Recovery OPEN!
WD SMR. How to Unlock Palmer SATA PCB and Use It For Future Unlocks.
WD SMR drives: How to Access Data If a Second-Level Translator is Damaged. Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital repair. How to Fix a Used Drive and Hide Bad Areas in Defect Lists.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. How to Block the Service Area Access Without Jumpers or Isolation to Get the Data Access.
PC-3000 HDD. Western Digital. Step-by-step guide on how to decrypt hardware encrypted data.
PC-3000 for HDD. WD Marvell drives specific diagnostics.
PC-3000 for HDD. How to check system heads manually on WD drives. Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Building ROM image from SA data on WD Marvell drives with external ROM Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Building ROM image from SA data on WD Marvell int.ROM in version 6.X Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Building ROM image from SA data on WD Marvell int.ROM in version 5.X Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. How to solder a SATA-adapter to the USB Western Digital drive OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. How to transfer service area module to another place in DIR Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. How to solve SED problem in 2,5″ WD drives
PC-3000 for HDD. How to solve Slow responding problem OPEN!
PC-3000 for HDD. Hot Swap procedure for WD Marvell drives Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. RAM Head map editing on WD drives (non-system head case) Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. Heads stack adaptive parameters(Microjogs) transfer on WD drives Video!
PC-3000 for HDD. How to find out the problems in WD Marvell drives
PC-3000 for HDD. Boot ROM mode (COM port) in WD utility for 3.5″ and 2.5″ drives.
PC-3000 for HDD. WD drives: how to change the module position using “Move\Resize module” feature.
PC-3000 for HDD. Simple Hot-Swap method for Service Area access in Western Digital drives
PC-3000 for HDD. P-List and translator regeneration in WD Marvell drives
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. The decryption of encrypted image
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. Module 03 restoration on WD DragFly4 as an example.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. Module 30 access blocking in a case of locked FBLite drive.
PC-3000 for HDD. How to handle “VSC ERR INV FUNC CODE REQ” error in 2,5″ WD drives.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. Module 31 (translator) restoration if SA is full of BADs.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. Slow Responding in RAM solution.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. How to solve the Slow Responding issue if heads can not write
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. Step-by-step guide on how to decrypt hardware encrypted data.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. How to solve the SED problem in RAM
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. How to solve password issue if the password has never been set.
PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. PC-3000 for HDD. Western Digital. How to block Service Area access without jumpers or isolation, and get data access.
PC-3000 for HDD. Toshiba drives specific diagnostics
PC-3000 for HDD. How to hide defects on Toshiba HDD. FAQ.
PC-3000 for HDD. Toshiba . How to bypass the NAND problem in SSHD drive.
Hitachi IBM
PC-3000 for HDD. How to fix NVRAM issue on Hitachi IBM drives
How to find original NV-RAM image at SA of Hitachi-IBM drive if there is no NVRC module
PC-3000 for HDD. How to shift the SA on Hitachi IBM drives
Hitachi IBM-ARM
PC-3000 for HDD. Hitachi IBM ARM. How to get a full User Area access if the translator is bad
PC-3000 for HDD. Alternative method of password removing procedure on Hitachi ARM drives
PC-3000 for HDD. Hitachi ARM drives. Translator/Drive ID issue
PC-3000 for HDD. NV-RAM head map changing
PC-3000 HDD for beginners. Hitachi ARM. How to fix the SA module if we have two damaged copies of it.
PC-3000 for HDD. Hitachi IBM-ARM – capacity issue MB (2)
PC-3000 for HDD. Hitachi ELSIL HCC drives unlocking
PC-3000 for HDD. Samsung. How to solve LED 1A04 error and get fast data access if heads are weak
PC-3000 for HDD. Samsung. HDD initialization with head map changing in RAM
PC-3000 for HDD. Removing password for Samsung drives
PC-3000 for HDD. F.A.Q. about Burn resources
PC-3000 for HDD. Samsung. Simple Hot-Swap for Service Area access.
PC-3000 for HDD. Samsung. Full Hot-Swap for data access.
PC-3000 for HDD. Samsung HDD. How to work with BURN
PC-3000 Data Extractor
PC-3000 Data Extractor. An easy way to make a task on a network drive. OPEN!
PC-3000 Data Extractor. How to Merge a Sequence of Bin Files into One Image File
3 Ways to Find the Lost Partitions OPEN!
PC-3000 Data Extractor. APFS. Part 1
How to Correctly Save Data from Time Machine on HFS+ Partition
Data Extractor: How to Merge Tasks
PC-3000 Data Extractor. Practical advices and Settings Menu Dive In
PC-3000 Data Extractor. Rebuilding NFTS partition with lost boot
PC-3000 Data Extractor. NTFS partition manually expanding
PC-3000 DE. Overview of PC-3000 Data Extractor reports OPEN!
PC-3000 Data Extractor. Data shift happens
PC-3000 Data Extractor. What is the difference between physical and logical sectors?
PC-3000 Data Extractor. Windows Bitlocker, Apple FileVault, TrueCrypt Video!
PC-3000 Data Extractor. How to identify EndPoint encrytion using Data Extractor
PC-3000 DE. Simple logical recovery cases
PC-3000 DE. Operations with maps in Data Extractor and bad sectors in MFT map
PC-3000 DE. How to extract GREP regular expression for new type of files
PC-3000 Data Extractor. Deleted files recovering
PC-3000 Data Extractor. A practical example for FileVault decryption
PC-3000 for HDD. How to Deal With the MFT Table
PC-3000 Data Extractor RAID Edition
RAID Technology Overview: Proper and Improper Rebuild for RAID-1 (Mirror). OPEN!
Making Complex Issues Simple: A Unique Method to Extract Data from RAID with Lost Configuration OPEN!
PC-3000 RAID Edition. Case study: Data Recovery from RAID – As Easy As 1-2-3
PC-3000 Data Extractor RAID Edition. Case Study: RAID5 with 1 Drive Lost
PC-3000 Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to Recover Data from Apple Fusion Drive
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to build a RAID array using the Ext4 file system metadata
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to work with BtrFS file system with Data Extractor
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to recover data from RAID 5 on 3 drives where one drive has outdated data (we don’t know which one)
PC-3000 Data Extractor. RAID Edition. How to extract data from RAID 10 with LVM in Data Extractor
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to mound virtual machine of Linux iSCSI server in Data Extractor RAID Edition
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. Solution for LaCie Big 4 Quadra Raid 5 case
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to define RAID array from ‘boxes’ (WD Book Live Duo)
PC-3000 DE. Data recovery from a typical linux RAID.
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to find RAID configuration based on user files in Data Extractor RAID Edition Video!
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. How to build RAID array with virtual machines in VMFS volume
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. First steps. (Part 1) Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. First steps. (Part 2) Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition. First steps. (Part 3) Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD
PC-3000 SSD. List of supported SSD drives (regularly updated) OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. Active Utilities (Main concept description) OPEN!
Digital Forensics: PC-3000 SSD – how to bypass the TRIM OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD Extended. Ramaxel and Lenovo Utility OPEN!
PC-3000 Portable III. Apple Macbook SSDs: the Supported Interface Types and Issues OPEN!
PC-3000 Portable III. Recovering Data from Logically Damaged Plextor PX-512M8SeY with a New PCIe x16 SSD Adapter OPEN!
PC-30000 SSD. Phison (PS) family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. Silicon Motion (SM) family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. How to plug Samsung 840 EVO, PM851 and 850 Pro through terminal
PC-3000 SSD. Indilinx Barefoot family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. JMicron\Toshiba family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. Intel Postville family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. Marwell VanGogh \ VanGogh 2 family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. LAMD family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. Samsung family Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. OCZ family (Barefoot 3) Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. Sandisk Ultra II, SSD Plus and WD Blue (Marvell CPU) Video! OPEN!
PC-3000 Portable III SSD System. How to Recover Data and Evidence from NVMe Drives. Silicon Motion Family (SM2260, SM2263XT, HPH8068). Video! OPEN!
The Alternative Way of Recovering Data from a Burnt SSD. OPEN!
PC-3000 SSD. How to choose the correct loader for SM2258XT/SM2259XT/XT2 OPEN!
PC-3000 SAS
PC-3000 SAS. List of supported SCSI/SAS drives OPEN!
PC-3000 SAS. How to Solve the Medium Format Corrupted Issue on Hitachi SAS Drive
PC-3000 SAS. How to Change Sector size and Edit Power-on Hours.
PC-3000 SAS. How to Сhange FW, Model, and Vendor with the “Download microcode” Feature.
PC-3000 SAS. HGST. How to find the problem of bad head
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Dear Sir
Blog step Very Nice And Very Help Full Tips
Very good guys ! Thanks a lot !
These are very valuable and informative articles and I find them very helpful when I am having problems that I battle with.
Thanks, keep them coming..
Very good!
very very good is blog
very thanks team ACE
Extremely helpful Great efforts Ace lab,
very nice.. thanks