Tag Archives: Toshiba

How to use Card Adapter functions in Spider Board?

Hello guys! In this article we are going  to describe a way on how to use the Card Adapter functions without an actual Card Adapter 😀 Card Adapter is a pretty useful little device that may come in very handy … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, PC-3000 Flash | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

PC-3000 for HDD. Toshiba. How to bypass the NAND problem in SSHD drives.

Hello Friends! SSHD drives usually work faster and more efficient than the common HDD drives due to a special NAND part, where the recent data cached, that’s why people choose them in order to improve the PC perfomance. But what … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, PC-3000 HDD | Tagged | 8 Comments

PC-3000 HDD. Nontypical HDD recovery. iPod Video

There are lot of nontypical devices like media stations, different recorders, cameras, audio players, etc which are based on nontypical drives. Here is a real case of hard drive (!!!) from iPod Video 30 Gb. Such players (5th generation) was … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Data Extractor, PC-3000 HDD | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

PC-3000 HDD. Toshiba drives specific diagnostics

In the Basic HDD diagnostics procedure post we looked at the common steps of diagnostics for any HDD. Now we will look at the specific steps of diagnostics of Toshiba drives. In this article we will discuss the typical situations … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Data Extractor, PC-3000 HDD | Tagged , , | 9 Comments