PC-3000 Flash 8.2.x – adding unsupported chip ID into the software

Hey guys!

ACE Lab engineers regularly add new NAND memory chips into the PC-3000 Flash software database. Updates with the new XORs, NAND ID’s, ECC and dynamic XORs appears in Flash weekly. If our customer faced with the unsupported XOR or unknown chip ID, we’re trying our best to communicate with the customer and urgently add the required resources via remote control.


We are strongly recommending to contact ACE Lab TS because every modern unknown NAND chip has a lot of additional reading parameters which directly influence the data read quality and integrity.

Anyway, our developers add a new additional feature in the upcoming PC-3000 Flash 8.2.x software update which allows adding unknown memory chip automatically with 100% parameters matching result.

For using this automatic ID parameters detection, your NAND memory chip should support the 0xEC read command – lucky for us, most of the modern monolith chips and a classic TSOP/BGA NAND already support this feature.

So, let’s try to read the unsupported TSOP-48 chip in the new version of PC-3000 Flash 8.2.x:

When we are trying to read chip ID, we got a white string near the chip marking. It means that current ID is not in database. At the same time, this chip has “+” in the ONFI column. This marking means that current NAND support 0xEC command for automatic NAND parameters detection:

ID is reading for both bus width – 8 bit and 16 bit. With the highest chance, this NAND is going to be 8 bit, not 16 bit because a wide bus memory chips aren’t so popular nowadays. So, clicking the first 8 bit ID string and chose “Add Chip”:

If the NAND fully support 0xEC command, software will automatically detect all NAND ID parameters and show them in memory chip parameters:

If the NAND memory requires additional read parameters (like max block size, real block size, LUN number, pages per block value, etc) they would be also added into the software database, too, automatically.

Now, let’s try to read the NAND ID one more time. Chip will be ready for dumping:

So, let’s summarize the new Chip ID parameters detection info:

  1. This way will work only with more or less new NAND memory chips release in 2017-2019 and after. They usually fully support 0xEC command;
  2. In case if your ID is reading incorrectly because of a bad contact or dirty pins, this feature will not work. IDs like 0x98009800 or 0x45009892 are a signal for the NAND pins cleaning. The same thing can happen with monolith chips. Internal monolith controller influence can block access to the NAND ID correct reading. CPU disabling (cutting) or voltage drop will be required in such case.
  3. If you are not sure about the correct ID reading – let us know in ACE Lab technical support portal – we will be glad to help you with unknown chip parameters 🙂


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