In this video you will find information about data recovery process from SSD Kingston v100 based on JMF616 and TC58NCF616GDT controllers. For now, JMicron company belong to Toshiba, and all moders SSD drives based on Toshiba controllers have the same structure of controller and microcode as JMF based SSD. Engineers from Toshiba use all previous developments and use them in their latest models of SSD. At this moment JMF\Toshiba Active utility support only native Kinston v100 drive.
In future, a couple of new native-Toshiba drives will be added in our Utility.

Supported drives:
- Kingston V100 (JMF 616 and Toshiba TC58NCF616GDT)
- Kingston V200 (JMF 667 and Toshiba TC58NCF667GDT) – partially support
- Kingston V300 (Sandforce SF-2281) – !!!NOT SUPPORTED!!!
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