PC-3000 Flash

PC-3000 Flash. Intelligent ReRead Mode

Hey guys! As you may well know a new version of PC-3000 Flash 7.1.1 is available in personal update boxes for all customers with active Technical Support service. In this article, we would like to tell you more about a … Continue reading

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How to use Card Adapter functions in Spider Board?

Hello guys! In this article we are going  to describe a way on how to use the Card Adapter functions without an actual Card Adapter 😀 Card Adapter is a pretty useful little device that may come in very handy … Continue reading

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PC-3000 Flash Spider Board adapter. How to use it?

During the Prague monolith meetup in March 2017 ACE Lab announced a new Spider Board adapter for convenient monolith reading. In this article we are going to describe the main features of this adapter and show example of MicroSD reading. PC-3000 … Continue reading

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PC-3000 Flash. Monolith pinout determination guide. Variant 1

Hi all! Before we will start, a small description: This article was planned as a short guide for monolith pinout research. The main idea of this article is not to study step-by-step how to search pinout in all possible cases, … Continue reading

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PC-3000 Flash. How to determine a controller chip

There are Flash cases with a controller chip hidden by compound or erased text on it or the case is based on internal controller chip. Such cases with Noname or hidden controller might be: USB Flash drives, SD and microSD … Continue reading

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PC-3000 on Macbook. A “small” guide how to make your own Apple-based portable workstation

A lot of ACE Lab customers from Europe and North America region ask us about possibility to install PC-3000 Flash or PC-3000 Portable on their MAC computers. These laptops provide good performance, they are quite light-weight, and finally – they … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, PC-3000 Flash, PC-3000 HDD | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

PC-3000 Flash. Monolith pinout determination guide. Variant 2

This familiarization article doesn’t contain nuances of technical procedure and can’t cover ends and outs of pinout determination. So if you don’t have practice in monolith soldering then we advise to play for safety and don’t start it. This process … Continue reading

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PC-3000 Flash. Image building with Block Number

Nowadays exist a lot of different controllers which are using different types of markes in SA for sorting all blocks together. As everybody knows, sometimes we can use information about marker and build image with full folder structure if we … Continue reading

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PC-3000 Flash. Card Adapter and How to Work with It

Some users already have this adapter, others just think about purchasing. In this article we would like to present PC-3000 Flash Card adapter and describe a working process with it. Please note that you need to have PC-3000 Flash software ver. … Continue reading

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PC-3000 Flash / PC-3000 for HDD. Canon Video recovery

Canon cameras are very popular nowadays. A lot of people are buying them for making pictures and recording videos. As we know, usually a lot of wedding photographers and videographers are using them as main tool for shooting. We know … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Data Extractor, PC-3000 Flash, PC-3000 HDD | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments