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Tag Archives: SMART
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to fix SIM Error 1009 RW Error 00000080 on Sentosa family
Hello Friends, Some family of Seagate F3 drives has specific issue which you wil not see on other families. One of these issues we would like to show today.
Posted in Articles, PC-3000 HDD
Tagged Data Recovery, F3, fixing, HDD, PC-3000 HDD, Seagate, SMART
PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3. How to fix Init SMART Fail error
Hi Friends! How are you today? As you know SMART is very useful thing. It provides detailed infomation about Hard Drive. However SMART is broken too. Do you see this error? Init SMART Fail LED:000000CC FAddr:xxxxxxxx If yes then welcome … Continue reading
Posted in Articles, PC-3000 HDD
Tagged Data Recovery, F3, HDD, PC-3000, PC-3000 HDD, Seagate, Seagate F3, SMART, Translator