The method can be used to recover original ROM image and then write it into donor PCB when original PCB was damaged, lost, or original ROM was lost in PC-3000 version 6.0 and later.
The “Building ROM image from SA data” tool was fully revised in the PC-3000 6.0 software version so the process is different from 5.X versions.
We have another article about the process for PC-3000 v5.X that can be found here.
The procedure allows to recover full image of original ROM and all ROM modules.
The procedure is applicable to almost all WD Marvell architecture drives with internal (integrated into processor) ROM, that has SA modules 102, 103, 105, 107 and 109. Some firmwares has SA module 109 that doesn’t contain necessary data – ROM image. If we open such 109 module in HEX-editor we’ll see that it is filled with zeroes. In such cases the utility can’t built the image and gives error.
This procedure is not applicable to drives with external ROM IC (U12) as well as to classical WD Caviar architecture drives(non-Marvell).
WD 2,5″ drives:

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